Friday 24 July 2009

Some people are gifted, and some others are gifts to life. It is very safe to say that she belongs in both categories.

So get well soon. Ameen. 


alhariesz said...

Well said. She's indeed a GIFT & GIFTED.

Can't imagine Malaysian art-scene without her.

Have a speedy recovery YASMIN.

Amin ya Rabbal alamin...

Chet said...

She is a Malaysian national treasure.

And you had hair!

Captain Karat said...

I hope she makes a full and speedy recovery. Malaysia really needs her.

Miss Pathetic Poet said...

How's she now?Hope she would be better soon..

fadz said...

cepat sembuh wahai kak min..

Anonymous said...

Amir, she's gone... My heart overfloods with angry tears. It is way too early. Al fatihah...

fadz said...

sampai skrg msh terasa.

Anonymous said...

oh this is one nice pic...a rare one ...a whos who in Malaysian independence filmaker...