Thursday 21 October 2010

My 12 favourite local movie posters of the past decade

Restricted to movies that were commercially released here. 

I also picked only the posters used for the Malaysian release; for example, I much prefer the international festival poster of Sell Out? to what was used in Malaysia and Singapore

I have also modestly not included the posters of movies in which I served as director or producer -- although anyone can tell you that the ones for Susuk and Punggok Rindukan Bulan are bloody brilliant.

Also my nominee for Best Tagline:
"Love. Despair. Love. Despair."
Tagline goes on 2 words too long!

Pity about that horrible GSC logo.

Pity I don't have a clearer image of this;
  it captures the Gila-Gila aesthetic so well.

Those are the 12. A special mention goes to:

Why only Special Mention? Because I initially quite liked it, and then I saw this!


Amir Muhammad said...

Oh yes, the "Senario Lagi" poster is also the best 'racing movie' poster.

JK said...

Love the non-movie-poster-looking posters! The others look a bit too cliched...

fadz said...

yeap yeap, love it too!! Dukun is bloody brilliant too!

Pet Shop Boys said...

no Karaoke?

GUiKP said...

Hanyut poster will be the trend setter, no?

Amir Muhammad said...

PSB, Yes I quite like "Karaoke", but I suppose I slightly prefer the festival poster.

GuiKP, I look forward to both the "Hanyut" and "Bunga Lalang" posters the most for next year.

khys said...

gambar yg di-komposisi khas utk tujuan rekaan poster memang terbaik!

kalau tahun 50/60-an dikata zaman emas filem melayu (dgn byk poster buruk. ada yg ok), mungkin sekarang zaman emas poster filem pulak haha..

jejaka anggun said...

i like the joshua tapes. simple.

shandye. said...

i love Gadoh's poster. it got that hollywood indie kinda vibe. hehe...

Amir Muhammad said...

It's by the same designer as "Histeria" and my book "Yasmin Ahmad's Films"!