Tuesday 22 January 2008


I really like indexes (indices?). I don't understand why Malaysian non-fiction books tend not to have 'em. I would someday like a more specialised one but since we lack the skills at the mo, we came up with this bare-bones index that lists names and titles. Reading these four pages alone is to celebrate some incongruous juxtapositions.


ben said...

Hey, isn't the TV series just called Coupling, not Couplings? Unless its a different one...

Amir Muhammad said...

Oo thanks! Luckily we have until Monday to change things. I don't watch or know much about TV. I can, however, vouch for John Updike's
novel Couples.

Burhan said...

Coupling, not Couplings? Oops!

I wonder if many Malaysians know about this sitcom (the British, not American one) compared to, say, Seinfeld or Friends.

My favorite parts in the index: Clementino Kulup (lunatic), Rachel (lesbian), Kua (unknown transvestite), Mahathir (husband of Anita Sarawak).