Thursday 21 October 2010

My 12 favourite local movie posters of the past decade

Restricted to movies that were commercially released here. 

I also picked only the posters used for the Malaysian release; for example, I much prefer the international festival poster of Sell Out? to what was used in Malaysia and Singapore

I have also modestly not included the posters of movies in which I served as director or producer -- although anyone can tell you that the ones for Susuk and Punggok Rindukan Bulan are bloody brilliant.

Also my nominee for Best Tagline:
"Love. Despair. Love. Despair."
Tagline goes on 2 words too long!

Pity about that horrible GSC logo.

Pity I don't have a clearer image of this;
  it captures the Gila-Gila aesthetic so well.

Those are the 12. A special mention goes to:

Why only Special Mention? Because I initially quite liked it, and then I saw this!

Monday 11 October 2010

Coming in November from Matahari Books

More details will be posted later. In the meantime, a free book goes to the first Malaysian resident who can identify the photographer responsible for the front cover!