Title: The Malaysian Book of the Undead
Compiled by Danny Lim
Publisher: Matahari Books
Illustrations: Mohd Kadir
Layout: Kris Khaira
ISBN: 978-983-43596-4-5
Length: 115 pages
Price: RM20
The Malaysian Book of The Undead is a compendium of multicultural ghosts, spirits and emanations. Discover their origins, characteristics, and, whenever possible, how to make sure they stay away from you.
This chatty and occasionally ironic guide is sure to come in handy each time you hear something go bump, or even “kak-kak-kak-kak-kak”, in the night.
Malacca-born Danny Lim is primarily a writer and photojournalist. His features and photo essays have been published locally and internationally by the Far Eastern Economic Review, The Smithsonian Institute, Vogue (Italy), Off The Edge, The Sun, The Edge, The Nut Graph, The Malaysian Insider and Malaysiakini. He is the winner of two local awards for a short documentary and a regional award for his feature photography. This is his first book.
Launch date: 31 October 2008. Details will be announced next week :-)
I will be giving away 10 free, autographed copies to bloggers in Malaysia who email me on 31 October at matahari.books@gmail.com . Not a minute before that date, y'hear? And if you are not a blogger, well, it takes only a few minutes to rectify that.
gua tak tau kenapa gua mcm ketagih dengan buku-buku matahari books. gua nak kumpul semua buku-bukunya. haha.
alaah. how do u rectify not being in Malaysia? takes more than a minute! Halloween release! cool.
Mr Amir, thank you for signing my initials on the book.
KI got me the KAMI book as a gift.
budak KGV mmg best la! :D
Matahari Books are nicely designed, unlike a majority of Msian books that look like utter crap. i oso feel like collecting all of them.
Wah, I really want this book!
i prefer the previous cover! this one looks like a animaniac cartoon head... the other one is cooler!
i want this bok..plzzzz
I wonder is this book small enough for Melvyn the bomoh to hide in his trouser pocket.
mmmm pity sarongs don't have pockets!
How is promoting and encouraging fear a good thing?
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