My book Yasmin Ahmad's Films will be launched!
18 November
3:00 - 4:30pm
Level 4, Sunway University College
All are welcome.
Why did I choose this college? Because Yasmin had given a talk there in the last weeks of her life, where the people really loved it. And I knew a college venue would somehow be the most appropriate for this book.

We will also be showing the first video she made for MERCY Malaysia; it is 17 minutes long and I am sure you haven't seen it. (My royalties from the first edition of 3,000 copies will go to the MERCY - Yasmin Ahmad Fund for Children.)
This book has pretty much preoccupied me for the past 2 months. We just sent it to the printer a few hours ago, after making the very last changes. It's sad to let it go, but I am also very curious to know how people will react to it. After all, it's not the most conventional of books. This was the first article to ever appear about it:

If you can't make it to the launch but would like us to post you a copy, you can order by emailing info@mataharibooks.com before 18 November. The price is RM30, with free delivery anywhere in Malaysia. If you want it autographed, let me know who to address it to :-) The books will then be posted on the morning of 18 November.
Right after the Malaysian launch, the book will also have launch events in Seoul (the Korean National University of the Arts), Jakarta, Paris and Singapore. Alhamdulillah!
beli kat book launch dapat diskaun tak? :-)
Mungkin boley dapat donat!
saya baru order.
i would like u have one! agak2 kalau trough bank payment when can i get it coz i'm going to move from my current address in mid December and i don't confirm yet the address i'm going to move.. and what details i've to state in d email if i paid trough a bank transfer
Details: your name & address, and confirmation of payment.
The books will all be posted on 18 Nov, just before the launch, by pos berdaftar.
tq for the info :) can't wait to get a copy of it! :D
First 10 pre-orders are from:
Ju Vyn
i wanna have one of it.. i'll email the confirmation by lunch break..hehe
yea! saya menang motor!
huh? ye ke?
xdapat pegi
Abang Amir.
Me and my fellow blog writers have wondered upon the facts behind a particular issue concerning malaysian silver screen pictures and telemovies.
Would really appreciate some of your views on it.Just because we would like to be informed of the current state of the film industry.
wot wot?
Thanks to:
Kamal Ariffin
Mohd Ariff
for making it 22 pre-orders so far :-)
Just a quickie, how lah if people wanna get the book from the UK? Will the the Paris launch thingy be open to the public, kaypohchee and general strugglers? :)
All the book launches are open to the public. Although the Paris one might involve getting a ticket, as it's going to be held at the Pompidou.
perfect timing!
bro..kirim sebuah buku time datang KNUA nanti..saya bayar...insyaalah jumpa nanti!
Wah, kamu di Seoul? Acaranya Ahad 7pm, tahu kan?
Loved Body2Body but having seen the Mercy Malaysia film will not be buying the YA book. Def an eye opener!
Ellen, what do you mean??
hi amir, congrats on the launch! how can i get the book to be delivered to the usa? would really like to get a copy, thanks!
Hi Amir,
Congratulations on the launching of the book!
Looking forward to reading it soon. I'll make sure I get you to autograph it when I purchase a copy for myself.
My name is Mani.Just read ur book on YA's movies. Fascinating bcos of the honest, personal insights. I am a Ph.D candidate working on a title which involves using movies as texts for critical literacy. i have already done mini-research using Sepet n SiTenggang's Homecoming (Muhammad Hj Salleh) as parallel texts for race, racism n Malayness n submitted a paper at n English tchrs' conference. I intend to use YA's movies in my research. Would u be available for interviews/ discussions if i needed some further insights into the work of YA? I wish so much tht I could be asking her this question. A great Malaysian, she was.
Mani, do email me ;-)
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