I begin a lo-fi video column called, erm, Amir's Alphabet today! It will be published every other Friday at this highly recommended new site called The Nut Graph. It's the only column that promises to never mention a single politician.
The first one is E for Egg.
terima kasih kerana menegur awal-awal.
p/s: maaf, saya tesilap anggap, berita ini disampaikan ketika sahur oleh nenek saya. Pak Samadnya dan Pak Samad yang saya fikirkan lain rupanya. Minta maaf Pak Samad.
"Malaysian Gods" just got passed by the censors today, but to screen for one day :-)
sorry to hear that amir. better luck next time.
Being banned is so 2006/7. One must move on.
one day only? mesti datang ni.
the nut graph, i'm waiting for your 'x'.
one day pun one day janji bleh tngk..apapun bgtaula bila k..
The one-handed egg crack! Very nice. I myself use two hands.
You on a low-sodium diet or what? Goreng telur tak taruh garam.
-- Preeta
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