Hear ye, hear ye! We are now taking postal pre-orders for Vol 2 of Malaysian Politicians Say the Darndest Things!
The bad news is that, for reasons we shall not go into, bookshops will only get this title in February. So if you'd like to order straight from me, you can email info@mataharibooks.com . If you want an autograph, let me know to whom :-)
Each book is RM25 (which is gonna be the bookshop price) with free delivery anywhere within Malaysia. (If you're outside Malaysia, you can already order from Amazon.com).
The books will be shipped out twice, on 15 January and 31 January.
I pay first then email my addy to you issit? wah teruja! ;P
If you open 2 tabs simultaneously, you can do both at exactly the same time!
RM25 a book with autograph, better deal than the bookstores. Payments on the way!
A chance to win one of 10 free copies, courtesy of Malaysiakini. Contest closes 23 Jan :-)
i want....
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