KLAB is back!
(Some details on the first one last year can be found here. It is co-organised by Zulhabri Supian and myself. It is held, once again, in conjunction with Art for Grabs, at The Annexe Gallery, Central Market KL.
Date: 09.05.2009 - 10.05.2009
Time: 12.00 - 8.00 PM
Featuring indie publishers, NGOs and also zines and DVD sellers: 26 booths in total! They are:
1. Gerakbudaya 2. SIRD 3. Horizon 4. Matahari Books 5. Oxygen & Sang Freud 6. Holograms 7. Da Huang Pictures 8. REFSA & Amnesty International 9. Aliran & The Malaysian Insider 10. Chetak Syndicate 11. The Dram Projects 12. Silverfish 13. Yayasan Tuanku Nur Zahirah 14. ZI Publications 15. Sisters in Islam 16. CIJ 17. MSRI 18. Sindiket Soljah 19. APD 20. MEGC & IKD 21. Emedia 22. Chin Yew 23. Ricecooker & Ying Ying 24. CERT 25. Tinta Publishers 26. Suara-Suara
The book-related events:
Saturday 9 May:
Book Launch and Reading by Charlene Rajendran & Friends

Charlene Rajendran is a Malaysian teacher and theatre practitioner who has been living in Singapore for eight years, and she refuses to own a car. Taxi Tales On A Crooked Bridge chronicles her conversations with taxi drivers all over the island republic. Quirky and jaunty, this book shows that there's no telling what bridges can be built -- whether the journey is crooked or straight!
5pm - Book Launch: NAJIB’S CHALLENGE: Glory or Oblivion? by Barry Wain & UNMASKING NAJIB by Lim Kit Siang
Presented by REFSA

What will be Najib’s legacy for our beloved country? Barry Wain offers his thoughts on this “hot” topic while LKS compiles posts from his blogs into a book. Officiated by Tunku Abdul Aziz, Chairman of REFSA (Research For Social Advancement)

What will be Najib’s legacy for our beloved country? Barry Wain offers his thoughts on this “hot” topic while LKS compiles posts from his blogs into a book. Officiated by Tunku Abdul Aziz, Chairman of REFSA (Research For Social Advancement)
6pm - Book Launch: Dewangga Sakti Tertinggal Kapal Angkasa Di Hari Pelancaran Buku ‘KACIP’ Pipiyapong”
Presented by Sindiket Soljah
Dewangga Sakti terdiri daripada 6 orang pemuzik tradisional Melayu zaman sekarang yang melagukan karya-karya mistik dengan bunyian instrumen akustik. Manakala blogger hip Pipiyapong akan melancarkan karya beliau bertajuk Kacip yang lucu dan mencuit hati pembaca.
6.40pm - Book Launch: Berseronok dengan Perempuan Dalam Poket
Pelancaran buku Puisi Poket 1: Akulah Perempuan Muda itu oleh Shaira Amira
Presented by Sang Freud Press
Buku Akulah Perempuan Muda Itu adalah himpunan puisi seorang perempuan muda, Shaira Amira, yang lahir melalui konsepsi imakulat di sebuah negeri jauh satu waktu dulu.
Puisi Poket adalah satu usaha untuk mengambalikan puisi kepada yang hak, yakni kau dan aku. Cukup kacip dan comel untuk disumbat di dalam kocek, ia sesuai dibawa dan dibaca di mana-mana; sewaktu menunggu teman di elarti, sewaktu naik elarti bersama teman dan selepas menyalakan rokok di belukar bawah landasan elarti setelah habis berbincang bahasa tubuh dengan teman.
Pelancaran buku Puisi Poket 1: Akulah Perempuan Muda itu oleh Shaira Amira
Presented by Sang Freud Press

Puisi Poket adalah satu usaha untuk mengambalikan puisi kepada yang hak, yakni kau dan aku. Cukup kacip dan comel untuk disumbat di dalam kocek, ia sesuai dibawa dan dibaca di mana-mana; sewaktu menunggu teman di elarti, sewaktu naik elarti bersama teman dan selepas menyalakan rokok di belukar bawah landasan elarti setelah habis berbincang bahasa tubuh dengan teman.
Sunday 10 May:
Talk by Khalid Jaafar, director of Institut Kajian Dasar
Khalid Jaafar akan bercakap tentang buku-buku terbitan IKD dan konsep di sebalik penerbitannya. Khalid juga akan menyentuh tentang kontroversi yang melanda IKD akibat beberapa buku yang dikatakan memesong umat Islam.
Talk by Khalid Jaafar, director of Institut Kajian Dasar
Khalid Jaafar akan bercakap tentang buku-buku terbitan IKD dan konsep di sebalik penerbitannya. Khalid juga akan menyentuh tentang kontroversi yang melanda IKD akibat beberapa buku yang dikatakan memesong umat Islam.
4.30pm - READING LOLITA IN KL: Forum/Reading
Presented by Sisters In Islam (SIS)
Celebrate the freedom to read! Join Marina Mahathir, Cecil Rajendra, and others as they read poetry and excerpts from books, plays, scripts, etc that have been banned in many countries throughout history.
Celebrate the freedom to read! Join Marina Mahathir, Cecil Rajendra, and others as they read poetry and excerpts from books, plays, scripts, etc that have been banned in many countries throughout history.
For the full list of events (including those not book-related, click here. Phew!)
Looking forward!
i will make sure i'll be there this time.
hmmmph, ill miss it...
apa khabar azman husien? CANDU?
gladly i was there. the arts were good but unfortunately i didn't buy any books there.
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