Monday 10 March 2008


I am shocked, SHOCKED to know that my banned documentary Apa Khabar Orang Kampung has now been pirated in Kuala Lumpur.

And that the cover has the audacity to use a quote from the Censorship Board's rationale for the ban, as if it were some kind of endorsement from some dweeby critic!

I have no objections at all if were to you buy it. But as a law-abiding citizen of this (admittedly glorious new) nation, I will of course not advertise the sales venues here. Find 'em yourself ;-)


Obefiend Weiland said...

hello orang bandar

to be honest if i find the last commie and orang kampung at my local DVD paddler i would buy it. Then put it on bittorent so people can watch it. why? because i think people should watch alternative cinema once in a while. i was really hoping you would release these 2 docu-movies on dvds in the near future.complete with dvd extras like "how my film got pwnd by LPF" and "outtakes by chim peng". not to mention audio commentary track. i'll buy 4.

i accidentally stumble upon your blog while researching for my blog entry (i was googling old cinema malaya and found this blog- direct to your entry on 120 movies i saw bla bla). maybe by the time you read this you can find it's already posted on my blog.hahaha..

so anyway.. do consider releasing the two movies i mentioned on DVDs. i found it atrocious that foreign movies with simmilar political undertones can be sold openly at SPEEDY. but not yours.

p/s: make copy also can ka? i buy from you. LOL

an--ew said...

The power of piracy! Pasar Malam mana ?

Martin Bradley said...

There are many of us who desire to watch Amir's excellent work, and who knows, one day, it may just be possible to do so in Malaysia.....

Anonymous said...

looks like amir has a soft copy of the pirated dvd cover...?

the indie story said...

Lim Guan Eng sepatutnya lebih berhati-hati bila mengeluarkan kenyataan. Tersalah cakap buruk padahnya. Silap-silap kerajaan DAP di Penang hanya sempat bertahan tak sampai 3 bulan. Tolong jaga sikit perasaan hati kaum Pribumi Melayu Islam. Agaknya beliau terlupa bahawa kemenangan besar DAP di Pulau Pinang adalah hasil undi daripada semua kaum, termasuklah melayu. Jadi beliau tidak seharusnya bermegah diri mendabik dada dengan beranggapan bahawa itu adalah kemenangan mutlak untuk Democratic Action Party (DAP) yang terkenal dengan konsep slogan ‘Malaysian Malaysia’.

Sila baca artikel seterusnya di:


Anonymous said...

If you can't beat them, j... Oh oops, I mean, of course you don't condone them. Right, Amir? ;)

Amir Muhammad said...

Ah! Older readers would have recognised my "shocked, SHOCKED" comment as a quote from the film Casablanca. If you know the context you will know exactly what I mean ;-)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"But as a law-abiding citizen of this (admittedly glorious new) nation, I will of course not advertise the sales venues here. Find 'em yourself ;-)"

==Law-abiding citizen? You mean you've not bought any pirated VCDs or DVDs for study and research purposes?===

Amir Muhammad said...

I don't use DVDs for research purposes, that's what Khoo Gaik Cheng does!

Anonymous said...

some folks are being remarkabky obtuse here. are they doing it on purpose?

M.Loh said...

I'm actually reading Khoo Gaik Cheng's 'Reclaiming Adat - contemporary malaysia film and literature' and theres of course a good weight about you. Curious to know if you read the research done on youself and your contemporaries?

about your DVDs, i found the last communist and my local and asked my neigbour where i'd get an original, and he gave me your contact which i didn't quite believe - he's also a film maker/writer if Yee Hwa rings a bell.

Unknown said...

Macam mana nak dapatkan dvd apa khabar orang kampung dan lelaki komunis terakhir?