I hope there will be no problems! This is the synopsis:
On 20 September 1998, the recently-sacked Deputy Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim headed a massive anti-government demonstration in Kuala Lumpur. A few hours later, he was arrested at his home. Ten years later, an unnamed man walks along the same path that the demonstrators took. He reminisces about the past and notices the buildings and people around him. It starts to rain but he keeps on walking. Will he reach his destination?
Duration: 68 minutes
Budget: RM10,000
I wanted to return to the low-budget starkness of my 6horts. It is a very direct way to communicate but there is (I hope) fun to be had along the way.
The censors will get back to us by 28 August.
Harap ia lulus.. ;)
Wow. hope they dont read "gods" in the funny way they usually do. remember the Herald?
BTW, yasmin ahmad, that other good filmmaker posted her personal review of susuk. check it out on her blog if u haven't already.
Now, i am pretty convinced to watch susuk since she's given the impression its not so scary.
Even if it passes the censors, I wonder what the title will end up being.
I seriously don't mind changing it to Malaysian Cods.
tajuk cadangan kot2 lpf reject..
"Marilah Pandang Belakang"
..ermmm! sound like another horror film kann?
All the best! Semoga lulus censors :)
do you plan to screen it at the cinema?
all the best. great timing
We do indeed plan to screen it in a cinema, on 20 September (the 10th anniversary of the demonstration).
Hi MrAmir, sorry off topic here :P
Nak tanya pasal susuk, why producer Lee went to the hospital (according to ur script), dia sakit apa eh?
My friend buat teori dia mati pucuk. Then cured and that's why ada scene he with the girl. Haha.. I know it is not important, saja2 tanya ;)
Your friend was right ;-)
Lee banyak sangat buat kokain.
This Malaysian Gods ada private screening tak? :D
KIta nak buat PUBLIC screening ;-)
let's see
i say the thing will be banned due to sodomee element
ha ha ha
bila lagi nak bagi kenyataan pada mahkamah?
thx for the word susuk in the age of sonomi, bolehlah kita pakai tu. Hope u don't mind. All the best to Gods, looking fwd to that!
semoga hatrik yang diidamkan menjadi genggaman saudara.
few month back i thought it will be Tuhan Melayu.
cant wait public screening
good luck amir
God luck. I mean, Good luck.
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